Zero Waste PPE 

Zero Waste, Zero taste. PPE Straws are an important part of your safety kit. Germs causing disease on glassware and even bottles or coffee mugs is impossible to spot and is an easy way to get sick. Stay safe using PPE Single Use Zero Waste Disposable Straws.

These farm grown PPE straws have been a staple for 200 years in hospitals, hotels, railways and on airlines too. It's not their first pandemic either. Several generations have turned to straws to stay safe. 

Made from a single reed, each straw will be safe for you and safe for the environment. Zero waste means easy regular garbage disposal, no recycling or  PFAS. No trace. 

Hospitals, clinics, dental offices, surgeries, safe injection sites, work sites and offices will be safer if they offer PPE Straws  keeping you safe. You already wear a mask for airborne disease, be safe from shared or dirty glasses too.

Carbon reducing

PPE Drinking Straws for home, the road or at the office. Stay safe out there. It's a germy world.

For a B2B Sales Representative please call Gerald 604.865.0588

or email

Our Single Use Reeds Make the Best Straws for PPE.

Safety where folks congregate should include single use straws

A beautiful addition to a drink, FYI farmed straws are traditionally why straws are called straws.

Safety sealed and Zero Waste. Easy on the planet. 

Single use straws prevent spread of infection. 

Reduce your risk of infection by using PPE straws when in public places.